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Markdown for devs


1. This is how to make a list
2. This text is **fat** og _cursive_


  1. This is how to make a list
  2. This text is fat og cursive


Keystrokes tell the reader how to enter hotkeys

Press ++ctrl+shift+p++ to open the command pallette

Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command pallette

Code blocks

Code blocks work as follows. The number specifies the number of the first line. It should usually be 1. You can highlight one or more lines by using hl lines.

```c++ linenums="23" hl_lines="2 4"
int main() {
AnimationWindow\* win = new AnimationWindow("Vindu", 1000, 800, 100, 200);
return 0; // Kommentar


int main() {
AnimationWindow\* win = new AnimationWindow("Vindu", 1000, 800, 100, 200);
return 0; // Kommentar

Inline code

The language of inline code can be specified like this: `#!c++ draw_rectangle(100, 100, 20, 20);`

The language of inline code can be specified like this: draw_rectangle(100, 100, 20, 20);